

If I am honest with you, then you can be honest with me. The Tomorrow House is an imperfect offering created by a messy human with a strong desire to be a changemaker.

Is it possible to create meaningful change if our discourse is rooted in untruths?


If I am authentically me, then you can be free to be authentically you. If I am vulnerable, you can feel safe to be vulnerable. If I am open to receive, you can be open too.

Can we create meaningful change if we are hiding?


If I do what I say I’m going to do and if I walk my talk, I hope it will help you to trust me.

Can we create meaningful change if we don’t trust one another?


I am on a journey of learning to acknowledge, feel and lean into my fears and then continue to take steps forward. I hope I can inspire you to do the same and to learn from you as we companion one another on this journey.

Can we create meaningful change if we live in fear?


Meaningful connection gives us power. Connection acts to dismantle systems of oppression and separation, and cycles of shame, abuse and disempowerment. One of the primary goals of the Tomorrow House is to nurture connection within our communities.

Can we create meaningful change if we are separate and silent?


My work is resolutely holistic, heart-centered and deeply rooted in a union of my own lived experiences, ancient holistic wisdom, complementary therapies, deep listening, extensive study and modern science.

My work is an invitation to a shift in awareness, a spark of curiosity, a seed of inspiration and a real sense of possibility.

It is not my job to tell you what to do, or to way-find for you. It is not my job to do your work. It’s your body, your life and your choices.

I commit to maintaining a grounded presence and to deeply hold space for you and your story.