In my own experience, motherhood is a journey where joy and sorrow often walk hand-in-hand. It is also a continuous journey of beauty, expansion, letting go, transformation and the deep, deep work of self-discovery. I have at times felt lonely, disorientated and unsure, particularly when my first daughter was a baby.
Re-connecting with my inner knowing and learning to deeply trust my intuition has helped me to mother from my center and drown out all of the voices telling me I shouldn’t or couldn’t, that I wasn’t normal. Mothering from my center has also helped me to let go of the stories I’d been telling myself about motherhood and be a positive role model for my children. Trusting my intuition also helps me to be brave. Sitting in circle with other women is one of my favourite things to do and is a space that I always leave feeling more grounded, connected and ready to move forward.
Can you imagine sitting in community with other women, sharing your deepest fears and your day-to-day, laying your soul bare, letting your voice be heard and being truly held in that space? Can you imagine how it would feel to see and be seen without judgement, and to listen and be listened to deeply and actively? Can you imagine being witnessed and celebrated in each of our seasons of motherhood with the physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual changes that come with each season, being honoured and spoken to?