Matrescence and Patrescence

Matrescence and Patrescence, or the universe-altering transformations of becoming a mother and father in their body, mind, social, emotional and spiritual entirety, are rites of passage that are often overlooked. Becoming and being a parent breaks your heart and soul wide open and can take you to your edges time and time again.

As with postpartum (once you have been pregnant, you are always, in a sense, postpartum), the journeys of Matrescence and Patrescence have no end. Even though things may never be as intense as those first weeks and months of becoming, the seasons of parenthood are forever shifting and flowing, undulating through abundance in its many forms.

Being witnessed and celebrated by your community as a new parent, or in any season of parenthood can be incredibly powerful. This kind of ceremony can help to give weight to the foundations of parenthood, create a centred space from which to move forward on your journey and enable you to explore and strengthen your support networks.

It is undeniably this kind of connection, witnessing, and holding that helps to prevent maternal and paternal mental health challenges, particularly in times of huge transition.

Planning for the Fourth Trimester

We are reclaiming a world where an easeful and nourishing postpartum is celebrated and where each woman receives the support she needs to help her recover from the work of pregnancy and birth.We are reclaiming a postpartum where new parents are witnessed, held and supported by their communities and where the work of parenthood is spoken to.

Pregnancy Loss