Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss

This six-hour workshop is designed for anyone who works with, or
shares space with women during the childbearing continuum, and
who wants to be able to better care for women and families
during any kind of pregnancy loss or still birth. These types of
loss include, but are not limited to, abortion, ectopic
pregnancy, miscarriage, termination for medical reasons and

The course aims to strengthen and develop knowledge and skills
and inspire optimal care and intends to:

  • explore pregnancy loss/perinatal bereavement care through the
    lens of three deep and intertwined concepts:

    • Companioning vs treating
    • Strengthening the support network
    • The healing power of ritual
  • explore how essential postpartum care can be woven into
    bereavement care following a pregnancy loss
  • provide us with a nurturing space in which we can become more
    curious about our personal and professional experiences of
    grief and loss, and take a deeper look at how these can inform
    our interactions with others
  • help us to explore how the quality of our presence can inform
    the way people feel when we share space
  • provide you with an opportunity to reflect on how you can i
    ntegrate this learning into your current practice
  • we will also practise more deeply connecting to our breath and
    the ways in which this can help us to stay centred during
    challenging times.

This workshop is intended to be transformative, interactive and
challenging and includes the following aspects of learning:

Teaching time
Readings from selected texts

Breath & body
Time for questions and sharing

Each session will run for around 2 hours


I will offer homework after each session. It is not a
requirement, but an invitation for you to dive deeper into your
inner work, with the intention that this then informs and
influences your outer work in the world.