
Adolescence is widely recognized as a time of transition, a time of questioning and exploration, even uncertainty, a time of contraction and expansion, a time of loss and growth, a time for celebration and for mourning.

All of your feelings are valid and important.

Adolescence and menarche, or starting your monthly bleeds, are hugely important rites of passage globally across many cultures. Girls are supported, witnessed and gifted wisdom by their peers and older women in their communities. Stories are told and ceremonies held. Networks of support are strengthened. We all deserve to be witnessed and celebrated as we transition from childhood and begin our journeys into womanhood, and these ceremonies and strong sense of community can help to create stronger and healthier foundations for us as we move through life.

Menarche celebrations

There is no one right way to hold a celebration in honour of your menarche and the beginning of your journey into womanhood. It can look and feel however feels good and right to you. My role is to help you, and whoever is supporting you to create the ceremony, to explore what your unique celebration might look and feel like and to support you to gather the resources you need. I can also facilitate the ceremony if you wish.

Are you curious about how this could feel?

Girl’s Circles

Sitting in community, in a circle-style gathering and on a regular basis can give us all the opportunity to feel seen and heard, to practice non-judgement and listening deeply and how to hold space for ourselves and others. Sitting in circle can help us to develop empathy for ourselves and others, discover our strengths and superpowers, connect with our intuition and develop our inner knowing. This style of gathering can also help us to nurture healthy relationships, build trust and develop and nurture our communities.

Sometimes the circle may just be for girls, other times circles may be held concurrently for girls and their trusted female carers with one facilitator holding each circle - the two groups could join together towards the end. Circles can also be jointly held for girls and their trusted female carers. Again, the ‘rules’ are few and I can help you to create whatever feels right and good for you, your friends and loved ones.

Contact me for a free 15 minute call if you’re curious to know more