Crafting Rituals to Honour Pregnancy Loss

Throughout the history of humanity, we have used rituals to mark and honour rites of passage. Ritual and ceremony are woven into our DNA and social fabric and can act as a powerful bridge in liminal spaces, between the known and the unknown; between what was and what is next.

A ritual is a powerful action done with significance and intention.

A ritual can be a one-time or repeated event.

Rituals can be religious or secular.

They can be a powerful vehicle for mourning.

Mourning offers us the space within which to integrate our grief.

…”ritual is called for because our soul communicates things to us that the body translates as need, or want, or absence. So, we enter into ritual in order to respond to the call of the soul” (Malidoma Patrice Some).

Does ritual and ceremony speak to you? Are you feeling as though you might want to explore crafting a ritual to honour your pregnancy loss; yourself; or your choices?