About Me

I am a mother of three beautiful daughters. I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, an auntie and a loyal friend.

I had three powerful home births (read about them here) and three very different postpartum experiences. I have also known grief, guilt and shame from pregnancy loss and unexplained infertility.

I am a UK registered nurse with over 28 years of experience caring for women, children, and families across the globe. I have walked the path of grief and loss with many people and in many different places and contexts.

I hold a Master’s degree in public health, specializing in maternal health and am an Innate Traditions Postpartum Care Practitioner. I have studied extensively with Amy Wright Glenn at the Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath and Death and am proud to be an Institute teacher.

I have been practicing yoga for 23 years, love to read, journal, capture beautiful everyday moments on my camera and with words, travel, be in and with nature and to dance. I’m also pretty clumsy, can be quite forgetful, have a fluid relationship with time and really need to feel the fear to get things done. I love a list, I don’t like small talk and I’ll always want to have another baby. Probably even when I’m 70. My favourite smells are freshly brewed coffee, cut grass, onions and garlic sizzling, Balinese incense, the inside of a Tibetan temple and the folds in my baby’s necks. I’m a hugger, I tell my friends I love them and I love to be in circle with other women. For me knowledge and connection are power.

I am constantly working towards joyful abundance (both creating it and accepting that I am worthy of it), whilst keeping it very real about the highs, lows and challenges of being a woman, a loving partner, a devoted mother and a conscientious human.

I love to create beauty, meaning and connection in the day-to-day – a lit candle on the breakfast table, recreating a French café at home for my daughters, a message to a friend wishing her a happy birthing day on her child’s birthday.

I am passionate about women and girls fully living in their power and from their centre.

I am passionate about education, relationships, community and caring.

I am passionate about babies being born in their own power, gently and fully respected.

I am passionate about healthy families, starting with my own.

I feel deeply about the power of nature and ceremony.

I have friends spread around the world and would love to live in the same town as them all.

I am a grounded dreamer.

I am an introvert.

I am a messy human doing the best I can.

Vision & Mission

Philosophy & Values